175 Degrees at Lume | Lume – Lume-wellness
News | February 19, 2023

175 Degrees at Lume

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Benefits of Lume’s Clearlight Infrared Saunas

Individuals who use the sauna 3-4 times per week have noticed 24-50 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 60 percent less likely to experience Alzheimer’s Disease. Best usage is using the saunas 3 times per week for 30-40 minute intervals at 175 degrees

What Infrared Sauna Can Do For You

Sauna use mimics intense cardiovascular exercise in that they both increase core body temperature and heart rate. Post-use, similar effects are again seen in lowered heart rate and blood pressure. Sauna use also improves blood flow to the brain, thereby decreasing risk of dementia.

Research is ongoing, but studies have already shown several other positive effects sauna use may have on the body. These include elevating endorphin levels, reducing inflammation, and relieving symptoms of depression for as long as six months at a time after a single use.

Sauna as a Lifestyle

Many individuals have learned to incorporate healthy habits into their daily life. Regular exercise, balanced diets, and sleep schedules are all examples of lifestyle factors. The end goal is typically to live a healthier life and feel better, which is something that Infrared Saunas can do, as well. By reducing the risk of brain and heart-related disease, we increase the chances of being around longer to enjoy life.

Step into warmth at Lume today with an Infrared Sauna session.

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Benefits of NAD IV Drip Therapy

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD for short, is a molecule that's present in every living cell in the human body. It comes in two varieties—NAD+ and NADH. While both perform important processes, NAD+ is at the center of NAD therapy research, and for good reason! NAD+ is involved in a huge number of biological processes, not just inside individual cells but also within cell communication and metabolic processes. This means it has potential to treat an extensive range of health concerns. While more research is needed on the presence of NAD+ in the body over time, some studies show that NAD+ levels may decrease as we age. Introducing new NAD+ into the bloodstream may be the key to boosting cellular function and feeling younger for longer. NAD+ was first discovered in 1906 by two British biochemists. Over the next hundred years, scientists continued to explore the various roles NAD+ plays in our biology. In recent years, scientists have dedicated countless hours to researching the health benefits of NAD+, leading to the development of NAD+ IV therapy. NAD+ IV therapy offers a wide variety of health benefits—improved skin texture, accelerated metabolism, enhanced mental clarity, and boosted energy levels. Let's explore this innovative approach to health and wellness to see how NAD+ treatment can help you look and feel your best! What is NAD? Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (or NAD) is a special type of coenzyme that’s naturally produced by the human body. NAD exists in most human cells, and its main purpose is to fuel your body’s metabolic reactions. Through careful research and clinical studies, scientists have been able to synthesize NAD+, which can now be used to treat a variety of ailments related to immune function, metabolism, and aging. What is an NAD+ Drip? An NAD+ drip is an intravenous treatment that delivers nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) directly into your bloodstream. Typically administered as an IV drip, this vitamin treatment can provide a host of benefits including pain reduction, anti-aging, and weight loss. It’s typically offered at spas, wellness centers, and doctor’s offices. What Does NAD+ IV Therapy Do? NAD+ therapy is designed to tackle symptoms associated with aging, chronic medical conditions, and stress. With regular IV treatments, patients can expect to: Reduce wrinkles Boost metabolism Reduce pain and inflammation Reduce mental fog Increase energy Improve mental function Understanding NAD+ Injection Benefits NAD+ is not just a clinical treatment, it’s a natural substance that can improve your overall health starting at the cellular level. Let’s dive into all the benefits an NAD+ drip can provide. Reduces Fatigue One of the most promising benefits of NAD+ is its ability to reduce fatigue immediately after treatment. This makes NAD+ injections great for anyone struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome or simply an overloaded schedule. Boosts Metabolism Your metabolism plays an important role in how your body converts food into energy for cell repair. NAD+ is essential in the metabolic process because it helps enzymes in the body work to break down food into energy. By increasing NAD+ levels, you can help your body’s natural processes work more efficiently. Reduces Pain Studies have shown that NAD+ can reduce both inflammation and neuropathic pain. It works by aiding in the repair of cells and reducing inflammation, which is often a root cause of pain. This can lead to an overall decrease in discomfort and an improvement in joint and muscle health. Improves Mental Function Many people who receive NAD+ IV treatments report lessened brain fog, improved focus, better memory, and boosted mood. This is likely because NAD+ has shown promising reductions in neuroinflammation in animal studies, in some cases even leading to a reduction in the gene expression of dementia. Aids in Weight Loss It's common for your metabolism to slow as you age, leading to weight fluctuations and weight gain. Because NAD plays such a pivotal role in your metabolism, NAD+ injections may be able to help you in your weight loss endeavors. Reduces Inflammation There is a growing body of evidence that shows NAD+ can help regulate immune function, leading to relief from autoimmune symptoms like inflammation, fatigue, and skin problems. Eases Stress NAD+ therapy has shown promise in helping to reduce stress. By improving overall body functions and cellular health, it can lessen the physical and mental effects of stress, leading to a calmer and more balanced state of mind. Aids in Addiction Recovery While NAD+ therapy can’t cure addiction, it may be able to aid in the recovery process. At their core, substance abuse disorders affect the brain, and NAD+ has been shown to help with cellular processes related to brain function. In practice, NAD+ may be able to reduce cravings and aid in brain cell function in the long term. Slows Signs of Aging Perhaps one of the most impressive benefits of NAD+, studies have shown that NAD+ therapy may be able to slow the process of cellular aging while protecting cell function. For patients, this can translate to healthier skin, better weight management, and improved cognitive function, contributing to a more graceful aging process. Soak in the NAD+ IV Benefits at Lume Lume is a premier wellness spa located in the Gold Coast of Chicago. Our services help patients focus on their health through research-based, full-body rejuvenation. Our NAD+ IV therapy is designed to be a relaxing experience that leaves you feeling refreshed after your very first treatment. With all the benefits NAD+ has to offer, what more are you waiting for? Book your first NAD+ IV therapy session with Lume today.

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The Benefits of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy can be categorized into Whole Body Cryotherapy where the entire body excluding the head undergoes treatment or Localized Cryotherapy aimed at specific parts of the body. The medical application of this therapy was first conceptualized by Dr. Toshiro Yamauchi back in 1978 as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis but has since seen its applications broaden over time. A typical session entails stepping inside a cryosauna; essentially a chamber filled with vaporous nitrogen whose cooling properties facilitate sessions between three to five minutes long. The extreme frigidity affects only superficial skin layers stimulating our fight-or-flight instinct causing blood vessels constriction while simultaneously drawing out excess white blood cells from redirected core-bound enriched oxygenated blood laced with anti-inflammatory proteins thereby boosting metabolic rates. Health professionals recognize multiple therapeutic merits associated with cryo-treatment including improved athletic performance resulting from enhanced recovery times plus reduced muscular discomforts affording efficient relief against chronic pains achieved through expedited collagen production inducing thermogenesis post-therapy burning fat thus calories swiftly converting "white fat" reserves into metabolically active "brown fats." From an aesthetic perspective, it promises cellulite reduction augmented firmness along smoother textures due largely on heightened collagen levels sought after by celebrities and models alike seeking fortification against naturally declining collagen deposits commonly occurring past one's thirties potentially reducing eczema symptoms severity as well. Emotionally speaking, repeated exposure effects hormonal responses notably elevated norepinephrine-endomorphin levels facilitating better sleep patterns whilst relieving anxiety disorders inclusive depression although not necessarily replacing alternative forms of treatments have nevertheless proven effective albeit short-term. Localized Cryotherapy in particular research findings suggest could provide relief to chronic migraine sufferers. Despite its non-invasive, palliative nature thorough investigation is still required for better understanding of cryo-treatment's full therapeutic potential however increasing numbers are turning towards this form of therapy as an avenue providing enhanced athletic recovery benefits while minimizing inflammation and joint pains plus increased metabolic rates promoting healthier skin conditions improved sleep quality inclusive overall mood upliftment.

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What is Lymphatic Compression?

It’s a specialized therapy that utilizes a cutting-edge device to enhance lymphatic flow and promote overall wellness. The system applies gentle pressure to specific areas of the body using a series of air chambers that inflate and deflate in a specific pattern. This rhythmic pressure helps to stimulate lymphatic flow and encourages the body's natural detoxification processes, reducing swelling and inflammation and promoting better circulation. The therapy is non-invasive, painless, and safe for individuals of all ages. Our system is highly customizable, allowing for precise pressure adjustments to accommodate each individual's unique needs. This makes it an ideal therapy for individuals with lymphedema, as well as athletes, individuals recovering from surgery or injury, and anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. At Lume, our Wellness Specialists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan, ensuring that you receive the most effective lymphatic compression. Whether you're looking to reduce swelling and inflammation, improve circulation, or enhance your overall wellness, Lymphatic Compression is an excellent choice. What's the difference between a Manual Lymphatic Massage and a Lymphatic Compression Suit? A manual lymphatic massage and Lume's Lymphatic Compression Suit are both techniques used to stimulate lymphatic flow and promote lymphatic drainage, but they differ in how the pressure is applied. Manual lymphatic massage is a hands-on technique where a therapist uses gentle, rhythmic motions to stimulate lymphatic flow. The therapist may use light pressure or gentle stretching techniques to encourage the movement of lymphatic fluid. On the other hand, Lume's Compression Suit is a device that uses air chambers to apply gentle, rhythmic pressure to specific areas of the body. The pressure is applied in a specific sequence to help move lymphatic fluid through the body. While manual lymphatic massage can be highly effective, it can be time-consuming, and results may vary depending on the therapist's skill level. Lume's Compression Suit, on the other hand, can provide a more consistent level of pressure, and the treatment can be easily customized to each individual's needs. Both techniques are safe, non-invasive, and can be highly effective for promoting lymphatic flow and reducing swelling and inflammation. At Lume, our trained therapists can work with you to determine the best approach to meet your unique needs and goals. How does a Lymphatic Compression Suit work? It works by using a series of air chambers that are placed strategically throughout the suit. These chambers inflate and deflate in a specific pattern, creating a gentle, rhythmic pressure that helps to stimulate lymphatic flow and improve circulation. The suit is typically worn over the legs or the entire body, depending on the individual's needs. The pressure from the suit helps to move lymphatic fluid through the body, reducing swelling and inflammation and promoting detoxification. The suit is highly customizable, allowing for precise pressure adjustments to accommodate each individual's unique needs. The suit is also designed to fit snugly, ensuring that the pressure is distributed evenly throughout the body. During a session, the individual will typically lie down or sit comfortably while the suit inflates and deflates in a specific pattern. The therapy is non-invasive, painless, and typically takes around 30–60 minutes per session. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve optimal results, and the therapy is often used in conjunction with other therapies, such as massage or exercise, to support the body's natural healing processes. Overall, the suit is a safe and effective way to enhance lymphatic flow, reduce swelling and inflammation, and promote overall wellness. It is an excellent choice for individuals with lymphedema, athletes, individuals recovering from surgery or injury, and anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. Can I do it before a workout? Yes, you can use Lume’s Compression Suit both before and after a workout to help improve circulation, reduce muscle soreness, and enhance recovery. Using it before a workout can help warm up the muscles and improve blood flow, leading to better performance and a reduced risk of injury. It can also help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue post-workout, allowing you to recover more quickly and get back to your training routine sooner. Using it after a workout can help promote lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling and inflammation in the muscles. This can help reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time, allowing you to get back to your workout routine more quickly. At Lume Wellness, we recommend incorporating Lymphatic Compression sessions into your overall wellness routine to help support your body's natural healing processes and promote optimal health and well-being. Our trained Wellness Staff can work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and goals. Will it help me reduce water weight? Lume’s Compression Suit is a supplement that supports fluid balance in the body by promoting healthy levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. While the supplement may help regulate fluid levels in the body, it is important to note that excess water weight can have many causes, and our suit may not be effective for all types of water retention. Water weight can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, certain medications, and medical conditions such as kidney or liver disease. In some cases, lifestyle factors such as a high-sodium diet or not drinking enough water can also contribute to water retention. If excess water weight is due to an underlying medical condition, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course of treatment. In some cases, diuretics or other medications may be necessary to reduce fluid buildup. In summary, while it may support healthy fluid balance in the body, it may not necessarily be effective for reducing excess water weight in all cases. It is important to identify the underlying cause of water retention and work with a healthcare provider to develop an appropriate treatment plan. How often should I do it? The recommended usage may vary depending on individual factors such as age, weight, and overall health status. In general, it is designed to support healthy fluid balance in the body, so it may be taken daily as a part of a well-balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. However, it is important to note that it is not intended to replace a balanced diet or to treat or cure any specific medical condition. Our Wellness Specialists can help determine if it is appropriate for your individual needs and can provide guidance on dosing and usage based on your specific circumstances. When will I see results? Consistency and patience are key when using it to support a healthy fluid balance. With consistent use over a few weeks, you may begin to notice improvements in both how you feel and how you look. Remember that results may vary based on factors such as your overall health and lifestyle habits as well as the specific product formulation. It's important to view it as a tool to complement a healthy lifestyle rather than a quick fix for any specific medical condition. By incorporating Lume’s Compression Suit into your balanced diet and regular exercise routine, you can help support your body's natural fluid balance and improve your overall well-being.

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